My dearest beautiful ones,
I have been working personally my whole life…. and professionally for four decades with trauma, anxiety and healing. And I am eager to share this perspective and knowing with you. I hope you find it helpful and hopeful. XO
Let’s start with this, from Ali Zeck, a Trauma Survivor who was misdiagnosed by conventional therapy,
“Diagnose a symptom. Prescribe a medication or recommend a surgery. That’s the current model for allopathic medicine in the United States and the majority of patients are diagnosed this way.
The catch here is that this system is banking on finding something “wrong” with you- a label. In fact, if you want your healthcare insurance to pay for your mental health treatment you must receive a diagnosis out of the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistics Manual) which has reduced any of your “symptoms” down to a diagnosis and a medication.
In this system you are flawed. In this system chances are you’ll be given a pill to help with those flaws.
In this system there’s a very real possibility the drug you take for your flaw will cause many other flaws that require other medications.
And this is a fact: in this system you will more than likely be medicated for life.
But it all starts with someone labeling you with a diagnosis and finding a flaw.”
This is exactly why… don’t ask me how…well, of course intuitively, since I am a Sensitive Empath….I had the wisdom 47 years ago, at age 26, NOT to go to a psychiatrist …or any other mental health professional when I started experiencing terrifying panic attacks. Somehow, I knew they would lock me up. I knew it. And many years later I read accounts of young women who experienced that very thing, they got psychiatrically diagnosed and locked up. Beyond frightening!
Transcendental Meditation saved my life.
I’m definitely not suggesting that this will work for everyone having panic attacks. And I have received a lot of counseling, therapy, spiritual guidance, and other expert, caring support in the intervening decades.
I didn’t go with my friend Kevin to the Center to learn TM because I thought it would remedy my panic attacks, although truthfully, I was ready to try ANYTHING that might help with those and the generalized anxiety I experienced.
But one sunny afternoon, eight short weeks after I started practicing TM twice a day as I was taught, I had the realization that I had not had any anxiety attacks since practicing the meditation! And I NEVER again had another one… and that was almost 50 years ago. What a blessing!
It took time and perspective for me to understand in my twenties, that the panic attacks, the frightening paranoia, my psychological defenses crumbling, etc. were all part of my huge, earthshaking Spiritual Awakening. This is often referred to as a “Spiritual Emergency” since spirit is emerging more fully, and pushing obstacles out of the way. I read everything I could get my hands on about this. And I got expert guidance and support.
I had been experiencing low grade anxiety since childhood, when it was medically diagnosed as ‘a nervous stomach’ and the doctor gave my parents an anti-spasmodic Rx medication to ‘settle my stomach’. You see how they totally missed the mark? My childhood anxiety was the result of trauma, and unresolved grief.
My maternal grandmother had died very suddenly when I was just four and a half years old. My parents and I had been living with her and my grandfather since I was three months old. I adored her, she adored me. She took me EVERYWHERE with her, shopping, to church, to her friends’ homes to visit.!
Except for this one day, when she refused to take me shopping with her. I was crying, my mom was confused as to why she wouldn’t take me and tried to persuade her. Grandma was adamant. No!
She walked out the door alone, leaving me crying and my mom upset. And while she was out, she suffered a cerebral hemorraghe. She collapsed, was taken to the hospital, and died in an oxygen tent later that same day.
She was a very strong woman and she intuitively saved little four year-old me from the trauma of being with her when this happened. But no one could save me from the trauma of losing her, imagining that she was angry at me, and not understanding any of it.
In a hypnosis session decades later I re-experienced looking out of our second-floor kitchen window watching and waiting for her to come walking home after getting off the bus. She never came home again. What a deeply poignant memory that was.
I know my way around anxiety and panic attacks and the underlying issues. Let me know if you want my kind of help.
Please do your best not to rely on psychiatric diagnoses and medications… if you can help it. And if you need those things to save your life right now, then absolutely go for it. And never stop looking for those compassionate ones who can understand and truly help you to heal.
I love you…
And I hope you SPARKLE!
Janice Masters, M.Ed., The Shaman Mama
Counselor, Coach, Consultant, Mentor for Sensitive Empath Women who are ready to heal into what’s next and THRIVE.
FIVE One-hour Private Sessions for $725. (A savings of $275)
Good until September 1, 2019, only by private arrangement with me.
the shaman mama @ gmail dot com
(Not available on my website)
Last night I suggested we take TM classes to my husband. Tonight I read your post about TM and then read it to my husband. Love synchronicity.
I went to Found a teacher, an hour away but right where we are going camping. Again, love the synchronization.
Spending some time to read the info on the page. Will call and set up classes tomorrow.
Thanks Jan♥️
Wow! I really love and am blown away by the synchronicity of this! The Universe knows how to inspire and get through to us BIG TIME! I hope that TM will be the blessing, gift and MIRACLE for you and Carl that it has been for me for almost 50 years! Can’t wait for you to jump into this!
You’re welcome, Geneva