Once you begin to realize that the thing that you’ve been struggling with for far too long is not giving way to your struggle and your attempts to overturn it, then you are ready for transformation. As long as ego keeps convincing you that if you just keep looking you will find the key to unlock the problem, then you’re not ready for true transformation.
True transformation requires that you step outside of the box of everything that you have been doing up until now and open your self to something radically different. You don’t even have to know what that is, you just have to know that you’re done with trying the old way. You just have to know that you’re done with feeling like you’re banging your head against a brick wall. You just have to know that if nothing else, you simply want to love yourself. You simply want to accept yourself. You simply want to know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you’re worthy.
And once you begin to think of this way then you are open to realizing that you’re worthy of success in all the areas that you wish it.
If you need someone to hold the lantern so you can find your way out of the morass that you’ve created with your struggle, find someone you know, like, and trust to do that for you. We’re not all on the planet together so that we can struggle alone.
These days in particular as the Earth speeds up her vibratory frequency and our bodies are running to catch up and keep up with her, old issues are being shaken loose and rising to the surface for you to finally attend to and free yourself from. This is an incredibly potent and inviting time for becoming the next magnificent iteration of yourself in all your glory. It’s high time!!
As always, I hope you SPARKLE!
Janice Masters, M.Ed.
©Janice Masters 2017
Thank you for this, Janice! I am ready for my transformation to begin ❤
That is so exciting Candice!! I’m thrilled for you. Let me know how I might support you as you move forward and higher!! Love, Jan