Are you frustrated that your Miracles aren’t manifesting, or aren’t manifesting fast enough? Are you tired of trying so hard to do it all right and still not getting what you want. Have you had it with all of the books and programs that tell you how easy it should all be, because you you IT’S NOT EASY AT ALL! Do you know you deserve all the abundance in the Universe, but you are tired of waiting for it. Do you feel greedy when you ask for more because you already have so much? Do you feel like you will never figure this Art of Miracles thing out?
Let’s take a look together at something that might be a game changer….
In our Western culture, we tend to rush quickly to fill empty spaces. Many of us are uncomfortable with things/experiences like these:
Asking what’s next?
Perhaps stop now for a moment and ask yourself how you feel as you read these words, even say them aloud.
Here’s the thing, an empty vacuum…can be filled! And we’ve all heard the phrase “Nature abhors a vacuum.” That’s doesn’t mean that nature’s hating on a vacuum, just that she rushes to FILL IT!!
Yes, nature/the Universe immediately wants to FILL THAT VACUUM!
Do you trust this? Or do you find yourself rushing to fill every vacuum yourself?
Energy always moves in a circular motion, like a spiral path, constantly moving back to what seems to be the starting point. And that energy is constantly looking to fill a vacuum, and empty space.
If you can imagine this, the emptier the vacuum, the more powerful it is attracting energy to fill it. Energy is literally rushing to fill it! And if you are clear, aligned and open, it will be filled with what you desire, what you intend. Your Miracle.
So ask yourself WHY? If you are not seeing the Miracles you are intending. Simple. No Miracle if there is no space for it. Shocking, I know.
And now ask yourself, how does your prior programming and conditioning around emptiness impede the manifestation of your Miracle? Does it? Can you feel how this might be so? Is it time for you to choose new programming that serves you and your authentic self more beautifully and more abundantly?
Here are a few tips to create and get comfortable with emptiness.
SILENCE, keep returning to it
MEDITATION, allow yourself the ease of the space between thoughts
PRESENT MOMENT, quiet the mind enough for the NOW
EXERCISE, allow body to help you; she HAS to come along for the spiritual ride!
INTUITION, let it flow and lead you vs judgement & compulsion
FAST, no not quick, but periods of not eating. Not extreme, just spacious.
These will all help you to train yourself to attain emptiness. And you can keep asking, what can I let go of? And as you find the answers to that, pay attention to whether it creates anxiety in you.
Is a feeling/belief in scarcity making you cling to what you have? Or is a certain emptiness okay with you? Remember everything is cycling in spirals…if you let it.
So, release your grip on what you want to do, be, have in order to create that vacuum so NOW ENERGY/MIRACLES can flow. It’s a good idea to begin releasing AND ego will try to tell you it’s a mistake, clamoring that this is dangerous. Your choice: trust and let go into emptiness or fill it up to placate ego.
You don’t need to rush into this and create anxiety for yourself, but bit by bit I do suggest that you create a HABIT OF ATTRACTION.
As always, I hope you SPARKLE!
I love you,
Jan xo
Janice Masters, M.Ed., The Shaman Mama
I invite you to join my ART of MIRACLES Facebook group.
im excited and grateful.
Best feeling ever!