Even in so-called “middle age”, approval issues can be a stick in our bicycle spokes. They can be easily detected whenever we find ourselves feeling shame. That shame was born early in our lives, of judgment and disapproval from authority figures and manages to stay alive, thanks to ego’s dedication to the task of overseeing our every move and deciding: good/bad, right/wrong. Since we are no longer at the mercy of those early authority figures, we can change the pattern.
One tip for releasing the pattern of approval-seeking is to look at who you have assigned the role of ‘authority figure’ in your life, dismantle that obsolete role, and take your power back. One of my clients decided that it was time to do just that this morning. She got it, really got it…the only approval she needs is her own!
Being who you are…you have full permission and birthright from your SOUL to do so, and to not do that is to miss the point of why we are here. Let your freak flag fly, BE who you are, find role models who demonstrate that, keep cheering yourself on, reminding yourself that you are safe without the approval you once believed you needed as a matter of life and death.
Keep traveling higher and higher on the Spiral Path through issues like this one, healing to deeper and deeper levels each time they come into your awareness. It’s all about clearing the path so you can joyfully Thrive as YOU!! Unique and magnificent YOU!
As always, I hope you SPARKLE!
~Janice Masters, The Shaman Mama
PS If it’s time to talk with me about how I can support you on your Spiral Path Healing Journey, go ahead and schedule a Discovery Chat with me. START HERE!
#spiralpathhealing #approvalissues #shame #authorityfigures #takebackyourpower #theshamanmama #deeperhealing
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