What you think, crazy question? It kind of reminds me of that highly misunderstood command, “If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.” In this article I’m going to answer that question in the title for you.
The fact of the matter is that every time you think about wanting something that you think you don’t have, you are reaching out to one of your infinite number of quantum selves.
Quick little quantum physics lesson here: in the field of infinite possibilities, in the All That Is, there are an infinite number of YOUs. That’s right. There are all these YOUs out there…or in there… And there is one YOU who ALREADY has exactly the thing that you’re thinking about wanting. That YOU is ALREADY living that reality that you are wanting. This can be pretty heady stuff, but it’s not just spiritual woowoo stuff, this is the stuff that scientists are talking about. This is real.
In my own life, and in my work with clients, I look at what I’m doing as a way of reaching energetic tendrils out to the YOU whose reality you want to be living. Those energy streams are a way of connecting with the quantum YOU who has what you want and can help you to get/live it. How cool is that!
So when we’re talking about this quantum self stuff, and the “if you met your quantum self on the road what would you do?” stuff, one of the things we do is look at what’s in the way between you and that quantum self who has what you want. If you don’t have it yet, that means there’s stuff in the way, plain and simple. And very often what’s in the way is heartbreak, woundedness from the past, grief that we have not allowed our self to experience and resolve. That kind of stuff is a real stopper.
So in order to reach the quantum self you’re aiming for, and begin to learn from her, and let her be your consultant about how to live the reality that you want, you’ll want to be able to walk more gracefully and lovingly with the painful unresolved energies from the past. This is not to say that you have to banish them, get rid of them, push them away from you so that you can walk gracefully! No! Quite the opposite.
What’s required is to soften to those feelings, to embrace them, to allow them, to let go of your resistance to them. Because only then can they begin to flow, and only when they begin to flow can they begin to dissipate, and can there actually be a possible end to them…even in the form of them shifting into a different feeling.
That kind of shift can create the conditions for you to then send out an energetic tendril or stream to the quantum YOU that you want to connect with. And then you have a shot of experiencing the reality that this quantum YOU is ALREADY living!
This is soul work, people, and this is how I roll. If you want to roll this way with me, there’s a great opportunity coming your way.
Check out this page. www.JaniceMasters.com/spiral-path-sisterhood-circle/
Read it and have a listen to the audio that’s linked right there in the middle of the page. And you will have the added pleasure of a heart-focused guided meditation. xxoo
And then take a personal assessment of where you are with respect to your soul being aligned with your personality and the way you are living your life. If you’re ready for more of that kind of alignment, if you’re ready for more alignment with the quantum YOU who is living the reality, the life that you really want, then this may be an opportunity that you want to jump on.
I would love for you to join me on this quantum journey! It will be juicy. it will be fun. It will be rich and it will be deep. And perhaps most importantly, it will be connected, because you will not be doing this alone, but rather in the company of other beautiful women whose souls are longing for the same thing yours is longing for.
So to answer the question in the title of this article: “If you met your quantum self on the road what, would you do?” … The answer would be to love the self you are standing in at the moment, unconditionally, passionately, deeply, madly, tenderly, and then perhaps you’ll be able to connect with that Quantum Self of yours.
As always, I hope you SPARKLE!
Janice Masters, M. Ed., The Shaman Mama
PS Here’s what a highly respected colleague of mine wrote to me after she listened to the recording I’m giving you today:
“I finally had the chance to hear your program presentation. I’m truly blown away. Outstanding content. Smooth and authentic delivery. Beautiful guided meditation. I could feel the heart-centered connection, and your ability to create a safe space was nothing short of stellar! I expect nothing but a huge success for you and your participants. Well done you. So thrilled for you!! …Benefits will be received by listening to this presentation.” `Forrest Samnik
Very inspiring article, Janice. Thanks for sharing 🙂 It’s interesting to contemplate the infinite number of ‘selves’ we have.
I’m so glad you enjoyed this Marianne. It’s an exciting area of inquiry and exploration for me and my clients. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. 🙂