by Janice Masters, The Shaman Mama
Originally published on Talk2TheAnimals
Mama Hawk started it. She flew straight into the back of my head, drawing blood with her talon, and knocking the combs right out of my hair. It took a moment but I thanked her and knew she had come to me as a totem, her messages that year were deep and plentiful and clear. And I gave her and her babies wide berth.
I never had been much of a ‘bird person’. The family parakeet, Chi-Chi was unfriendly to everyone except my Grandpa. But then I moved to South Florida and fell in love with the water fowl and the parrots, and the wintering songbirds, so when the tangled birds came with their spiritual messages, I was completely open to them.
My neighbor Betty had gone to Peru’ and I was watching her house. That day, after gathering up the mail, I stopped at her gardenia hedge to pick a few flowers. Fluttering down at the base of the fragrant bush was a mockingbird, entangled in the branches with orange yarn. I spoke soothingly to him and he allowed me to pick him up, gently untangle the yarn, and off he flew. He was the first of the tangled bird messengers.
They came one by one, astonishing me and my husband. He was in on it since he’s highly conscious, a psychologist, and it was an intensely difficult and painful time in our family. Over the next few weeks almost a dozen birds showed up in our lives to ask us to set them free, dis-entangle them, break the bonds that kept them from flying free. The metaphor was not lost on us. There was so much healing work to be done by us and our loved ones to break the limiting bonds that kept us all separated and suffering.
The egret under the bridge in the Florida Keys called out to my husband, who was boating with his dad. He stopped, got out of the boat, and with a bit of trepidation, he approached the stately bird, cut the fishing line that held his wing and leg, and off he gracefully flew.
By this time, I had probably had a half a dozen of these “entangled bird” encounters, from the male cardinal banging repeatedly against my car window until I got out and let him know that I got the message, to the young red tailed hawk who flew into our patio, got spooked by the dogs , and fluttered, flopping anxiously into the pool.
They all seemed to need rescuing, but we weren’t fooled. They had agreed to look like victims to bring us powerful messages about our own need for emotional and spiritual rescuing, and our mission to help others, family members and clients, set themselves free.
I was blessed and forever changed by these loving messengers. The parrots and macaws are almost daily, joyful reminders, with their color and their sound, of the blessing of my beloved winged messengers.
I wonder how animals have shown up in your life as spiritual messengers. Please share with me in the Comments section below, I’d love to hear your story!
As always, I hope you **::**SPARKLE**::**
Janice Masters, The Shaman Mama
Originally published on Talk2TheAnimals
(c) copyright Janice Masters 2014
My husband has had quite a few animals/birds show up in his path for rescuing and while not with a successful end result each time it has not stopped him from always helping without question. Since my mom passed last May, I have had quite a few experiences with colorful birds such as bluejays, yellow warblers and cardinals showing up. I also had a hawk swoop down over my windshield which got my attention. It then landed on the mailbox of the house I was near on the road and I stopped my car and we just looked at each other. It was the coolest experience. Mom has also made her presence known in the clouds. I think signs and messages are everywhere, we just sometimes never take the time to actually notice them!
Teresa, thank you so much for sharing this! I’m sure your husband feels gratified that they come to him for help! And I love how your Mom is so present for you in the birds…especially that hawk…and the clouds. I’m with you about the messages being everywhere…and I love it when I GET IT!! So grateful you took the time to comment! Hugs and Love, Jan
I LOVE birds! My name is Welsh for ‘linnet’, so I feel intuitively connected to them.
LLinos, that’s so awesome! And do you find that the intuitive messages you receive from birds enhance your life path, awareness, wisdom, and add to your inner knowings? Thanks for commenting! ~Jan
This is so great that you found the message and growth from these birds. After my dad passed over seven years ago, my 2 year-old began referring to him as “Bird-Man”. She said he was part human, part bird (he flew) and he would visit her often. Several birds came to visit me to send me messages from my Dad! If we look for the signs, they will appear.
Deanna, I so agree that if we are open to the signs they appear for us! And so comforting and reassuring they are!! Your young daughter’s experience with “Bird Man” is astonishing and clearly she is having something special with her grandfather! Thank you for sharing this with me. ~Jan
I love the phrase “agreed to look like victims.” Powerful mirrors! Thanks for a lovely post.
Andrea, soul agreements are one of the things that I look at in my own life and shine light on for my clients. Happy that you like that phrase and what it implies!! ~Jan
For Deanna and Teresa and all who resonate with it, I share this story from my experience after my Mom passed away.
The peacocks at my Dad’s retirement village are abundant, but they’re not in my neighborhood which is about a 15 minute drive from there. However on the first Easter after my mom passed away, with my youngest brother and his family visiting, eight peacocks marched onto my street, into my front yard, parked themselves in front of my floor-to-ceiling living room window and stayed until nightfall. They have not seen before nor since. We all knew beyond any doubt that it was my mom making her presence known. Chills even now. She is very present in my life. xxoo ~Jan
And on the Father’s Day right after my mom passed, no fewer than SIX Red Tail Hawks landed and stayed on the branch of. the Live Oak Tree closest to the living room windows. My husband said, “Hey Dad, Mom says Happy Father’s Day!”