Dear Empath Sister,
It’s frustrating. It’s actually so far beyond frustrating…it’s maddening.
And who you’re mad at about it, is yourself.
You keep circling around that same chronic issue and it always ends up with you thinking the same thing, “There is definitely something wrong with me!”
And the saddest thing is that you actually believe there’s something wrong with you because you can’t get any traction to move past what feels like a stuck place with that issue.
You know, every empath I’ve ever worked with has had that same belief about herself…that there’s something wrong with her.
Well here’s a thought, what if there’s actually nothing wrong with you?
What if the truth is that you’ve been conditioned as an empath in this culture to stop yourself at a certain point from going any farther? And because you don’t operate like the other 80% of the population, you think there’s something wrong with you.
Read those last two sentences again and let it sink in, because the conditioning runs very deep. The mistrust and gut level fear that you feel about taking the next step are real.
You’ve had so many experiences in life that have taught you to be extra cautious. They have taught you not to trust life. And you walk with that distrust all the time.
My clients would tell you that there IS a way to move past that distrust and fear to find the courage and the TRUST to take the next leap that life is presenting to you.
TRUST is the biggie, isn’t it?
We talk about the Spiral Path and how we do cycle through issues again and again but with higher consciousness and as a different version of ourselves because we’ve grown.
This is different. This is a barrier that costs you your freedom to be yourself.
It costs you the freedom to be the you that you came here to be and to live the life you came here to live. And it costs you the recognition that you’re not like the other 80%, that you came with very different gifts and they get ignored when you focus on what you think is wrong with you.
And that’s not OK. Not anymore. Never really was, honestly.
It takes some support and some expert guidance to untangle the hold that the fear has on you but you CAN free yourself and find the path to trust.
I’m making that support and that guidance available to you in a brand new way that I’ll be announcing very soon. I’m very excited about it and I’m excited for you because of the quantum leaps you will be able to take with this kind of high level guidance and compassionate support.
COMMENT to let me know if you want to be among the first to know about this as soon as it’s ready to roll out!
I hope all is well with you in these unusual times!!
Sending big Love!
And as always,
I hope you SPARKLE!!
Jan xo
Janice Masters, M.Ed., The Shaman Mama
Offering Depth Psychology, Energy Medicine, Spirituality, Quantum Physics, The Art of Miracles.
Supporting the Empath Woman who is ready to HEAL core issues, LOVE her precious self, and IGNITE her exciting power and possibilities.
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