We are in a Slowdown right now. The energies right now may feel super crazy, and even chaotic, but they’re simply slowing you down and you have the impulse to forge ahead anyway. I’m feeling it…maybe you are too. It makes me want to say that if you’re going from inspired to tired and back again, welcome to the club.
We are feeling the ground shifting under our feet. Old ways… on both inner and outer levels…aren’t working anymore. Many of them have been exposed as ineffective or downright destructive, and they are crumbling and falling away, leaving us with a kind of a vacuum. Personally and Collectively. Human nature being what it is, our inner child can get frightened by emptiness. But emptiness is truly the fertile void, as I learned decades ago. Anything and everything is possible when we embrace emptiness. The Slowdown allows for this embracing. The Slowdown allows for recovery from the Stress…you get that, right. We all know what the Stress is.
It’s very important not to rush to fill that vacuum, just to fill it. Yes, it may make you uncomfortable, but let it be. We know that nature abhors a vacuum and she will fill it soon, but give her a minute! Ground yourself and set an intention for what it is you want that vacuum to be filled with. The grounding will connect you to higher energy, and that will allow the flow of energy from high to low, meaning it can manifest from wave to particle into your life. That’s quantum physics. 🙂
The main message here is “learn to surf”, and that requires tuning in to your inner guidance. Don’t fret when the energy moves around all over the place. Don’t panic when it slows down and feels as if it’s stopped. It’s not you… well it IS you… but it’s you responding to the energies, and also to the internal experience of your own spiritual evolution. A Slowdown is so good for your soul.
Again, we are most definitely in a Slowdown. And, no matter how it feels, we are DEFINITELY NOT standing still these days, far from it. My guides tell me to stay the course, to follow my heart, to allow old rules and obsolete ways to fall away, to fearlessly set limits and boundaries, to be open to inspiration, and to be patient. Basically, they tell me to honor and respect myself, to be as authentic as possible, to be discerning about the next step to take, and to be open and trusting with regard to change which is inevitable because it’s time to show up in the fullness of my soul. I believe the same is true for you. We do have work to do and we will do it, but at the moment, we rest.
So then, ‘no resistance’ is the order of the day. Relax, trust the Slowdown, hold the vision of what you truly want, know that you are a powerful manifestor of Miracles, and love yourself though all of these changes. Only always.
And remember, The Slowdown always always always precedes The Shift. You can trust that!
What do you think? I’d love to know, so please Comment.
As always, I hope you SPARKLE!
Jan XO
Janice Masters, M.Ed., The Shaman Mama
Thank you Janice! Feeling the ‘waves’ and appreciate you keeping us in the know!
Charlotte! Late to the party but so glad you resonated with this. And here we are again! “Love, Jan