I’m hoping you are well and that life is good. Thank you so much for being here!
Wanting to dive deeper into the experience of being an INDY…”I’m Not Done Yet!” person, I realize we really must take a look at how grief “pulls the trigger” on that experience.
Now, what do I mean by that? Well, we don’t just suddenly wake up one day and say, “Oh wow! I’m not done yet!”
Nope, not by a long shot!
A change always precedes that awareness, and the change is usually of a very challenging nature that involves loss of some kind, on some level. And that loss necessarily means an experience of grief.
So, in order to understand the INDY experience, we must explore the grief experience that precedes it. Because if we blunt that prior grief experience, we won’t get to INDY. We’ll just stay stuck.
The truth is, this Western culture we live in is not known for being kind to the experience of grief and loss. Instead, there are all kinds of distractions and pushy admonitions to “just get over it, get moving, you’re still alive, what are you waiting for?!”
Besides the inherent unkindness and denial in that kind of pushy Western approach, it absolutely stops any forward motion of our actual natural, human evolutionary path. The natural progression of that path is that we are deeply changed when we allow ourselves to truly, honestly experience our grief reaction to loss of any kind.
Since there’s not one of you reading this that has never experienced loss and the grief that follows, ask yourself these questions:
“How did this change me?
How did my feelings and emotions change?
How did my perception of life change?
How did my thoughts and ideas change?
How did the value that I place on my own life change?”
Now, to be fair, probably everyone who goes through a grief reaction, on some level, feels these questions rumbling around inside of them. Do they give conscious recognition and ponder these questions? For the vast majority of humans, the answer is “probably not.”
But you are here in this community because you are a highly conscious being, and as such, you embrace and entertain the questions that come up through your experiences.
And that exactly, my dear ones, is what brings us to the recognition that “I’m Not Done Yet.”
Furthermore, the grief experience lends a poignant weight to the importance of listening to that truth and asking ourselves, “What exactly does that mean? What’s being asked of me, as I hear and feel the unmistakable truth of ‘I’m Not Done Yet’?”
For a conscious individual, this question cannot and must not be ignored. So then the work becomes living and breathing and sleeping and walking with the question:
“So what exactly is next?”
That, in a nutshell, is exactly the INDY work that I offer. It is the work that I have been doing and continue to do with myself… and by the way, not for the first time!
It is the work that I have done with countless clients. And it’s truthful to say that I can remember all of the dramatic changes and turns that their lives took as a result of this work!
In fact, you’ll find mention of a number of them on this page:
If you feel ready to do this work privately with me, please get in touch, and we will get started.
And if you believe that doing this work in a group experience with others is something that would interest you, please let me know, because I’m about to create that exact group program. I’m very excited about sharing more about this very soon!
AND… if you haven’t figured it out 😉 …this is me, taking a step into my own INDY experience!! 🩷🩷
I know this post is long, so please take your own sweet time to read it.
I’m sending you so much love and so many warm blessings!
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