Dear Ones,
Are you frustrated beyond belief in your relationship? Tired of the drama? Tired of being unhappy?
- Do you sometimes think that maybe YOU are the crazy one?
- Do you spend more time in angst, anger, anxiety and conflict, than in loving, playful, healthy interactions with your partner?
- Do you experience unpredictability, chaos and unhappiness in your relationship?
- Do you know that your needs are not getting met in your relationship?
- Do you know you are not taking good care of yourself in your relationship?
- Do you ever suspect that your partner may be a narcissist? Or at the very least, is playing very hurtful games with your heart?
- Do you feel ‘off balance’ much of the time with your partner expect for those ‘special moments’?
Well, hang on because I am sharing this amazing piece of writing with you at the insistence of my client, who wrote it and insisted that I “…blast it on Facebook, share it all over social media and with your email lists, etc.” This is how passionately committed she is to other women NOT SUFFERING like she did in a relationship with a narcissist partner.
So please read it AND watch the accompanying video Livestream where I share this essay and discuss being in relationship with a narcissist, and the reassurance that you CAN get out!
Contact me if you are ready to make healthy change and want support and guidance from an expert coach and mentor with a depth psychology/psychotherapy background. Email me at theshamanmama at gmail dot com.
And please Comment below!
So here are my client’s powerful words!
“Good morning! I wanted to share something with you that I hope you’ll think is worth sharing with your many devoted clients and friends.
After months of therapy with you, money spent on anti-depressants and more than one psychiatrist plus time spent crying and digging deep, it finally made sense when you told me Douglas was a narcissist. I never understood that.
After doing some research on my own I realized how insidious the abuse was. I discovered that this entire time I was in love with a covert passive aggressive narcissist. He wrapped me up in a web of deceit and manipulation which was why it was easy for him to move on with someone else. I was merely a vessel of energy for him.
He was a vampire that sucked my well dry and found another source when this one dried up. Rather than feeling jealous (like I did for months) I finally feel free and pity for whoever this person is that he’s with. I realized how lucky I am. I have no ties to him.
It frightens me how people can fall victim to these devious people and even go on to marry them and have children, all the while taking the subtle abuse but never knowing what’s truly amidst. His fake empathy was only for himself and one of many tools he used to suck me in. And when he was finally unmasked he had no choice but to move on.
Sometimes the clues and answers are right in front of us all along. It’s when we decide to stop making excuses for them and protecting their fragile reputation that we see them for who they are.
Sadly, it is only those of us that get intimately involved that are able to unmask these monsters. They go through life fooling people into thinking how sweet they are when in reality they are wolves disguised as soft, furry puppies that you just want to pet and take care of.
I hope every woman out there dating someone like this is able to see through the facade of victimization and vulnerability these people create and see them for the sinister manipulators that they truly are.
? Namaste.”
Christine E.
Once more, please watch this video!
Thank you for being here, reading this, watching the video and commenting below.
As always, I hope you SPARKLE!
Jan xo
Janice Masters, M.Ed., The Shaman Mama
A member of this Spiral Path community wrote to me after reading this blog post telling me about a long-time friendship with a woman who would regularly Gaslight her. She never got it; she really didn’t get it. And she always felt guilty because she harbored resentment against this woman. She wrote me a very long email expressing how Illuminating it was to realize what exactly has been going on in that relationship. Her friend is now dead. And she’s struggling to let go of guilt. Do you see how far-reaching the effects are?