Since publishing Part One of the blog post I’ve gotten numerous messages, mostly on Facebook from women and men who have experience Throat/Voice issues and had them clear up quickly once the meaning and purpose of it was discerned and understood. Don’t underestimate the power of the soul to grab your attention until you get the lesson!!
…Now some may rightly say, “I’m not experiencing any of this, and my voice is flowing just fine thanks.” …and while it’s exciting that the voice is flowing freely at the moment, this is not to say that we will not be called to higher service at some point, necessitating even further clearing. Awakening and spiritual evolution being what they are, there will deeper layers of cellular energetics being further released to support the Voice/Soul connection…and as we move to clear the higher chakras of any existing blockages.
So what to do? What to do?
1. First of all, relax and don’t resist this clearing.
If your first response to this kind of thing is usually to tense up, be upset, want it to go away NOW, and then get pissed, back off. Remember “what you resist, persists” and since we are on a spiritual path here, we do want to learn whatever the lesson is because, “learn the lesson, lose the problem.” Seriously, relax. Think about what you don’t have to show up for if you don’t have any voice right now. And don’t tell me that this isn’t a sorta kinda welcome break. Sink into the downtime, what I call The Slowdown, and give yourself permission to chill, be silent, and breathe.
2. Second, don’t throw every conceivable OTC remedy at it, but do invite relief.
Go ahead and suck on lozenges and gargle with salt water, but don’t come back from the drug store with bags of stuff ‘guaranteed’ to cure this. That’s just another form of resistance. So take a different approach: ask your throat what message it has for you, and then listen. And keep asking until you get something. Most of the time, we are so focused on getting rid of the discomfort we don’t ask what it’s about, why it’s occurring, and what actual value/blessing it may hold for us. So ask, and listen.
3. Third, think outside of the box. It’s not about what you think it’s about.
Here’s where we’re going with this…if this is indeed an energetic clearing that you’re experiencing then the drug store remedies won’t touch it. One woman told me that she suddenly lost her voice to laryngitis during a workshop she was teaching (standing room only and her most successful one ever!). And after a month of laryngitis she came upon a memory of not speaking her truth to her parents about their decision to put her beloved cat to sleep after an accident. Working with this memory for a short while, discerning the residue of guilt she felt for not standing up for her cat to live and then moving into forgiving herself, she regained her voice within an hour! She also pointed out that none of the holistic or traditional approaches she tried earlier in the month had worked.
Inquire, ask for whatever it is about to float to the surface of your consciousness. Be invested in knowing the deeper cause of your throat issue.
4. Fourth, determine whether you are dealing with an Upper Limit Problem.
You probably know what a ‘set point’ is with respect to body weight, and that it can be tricky to get below your ‘set point’. So, an Upper Limit Problem is kind of the same but in the opposite direction, in fact, it’s very much like a self-imposed glass ceiling. Yep. We only allow ourselves to go so far into feeling good and success before we self-sabotage and stop ourselves, unconsciously. Getting to the root of what possible reasons we may have for not allowing ourselves to keep on feeling good and succeeding will allow us to raise that glass ceiling and eliminate our Upper Limit Problem.
5. Fifth, literally be on the lookout for messages pertaining to your voice/throat issue and what it’s pointing to for you personally.
These messages can come from anywhere and everywhere. From my shamanic perspective, all of nature, humanity, art, music, the world-at-large is communicating with us at all times. Whether or not we listen and ask for meaning is up to us. Birds, signs, billboards, songs on the radio, something that comes in the mail, other animals, the sea, the wind, a line in a movie, a friend’s offhand remark…all of these might be a messenger with a message of great value for you.
I’m not guaranteeing that if you do all these things you throat issue will clear up in an hour! But I am telling you that if you are on a path of personal and spiritual growth and development, following these guidelines will bring you information, wisdom, and ultimately relief, so that you can move to the next level of whatever it is you are called to do in the world. So don’t overlook the blessing in the challenge. Seek it. And remember that whatever you seek is also seeking you.
Did you find these suggestions helpful in dealing with throat/voice issues of your own? Are there other things you tried that helped? Did you access wisdom/information that was helpful in your spiritual development while dealing with this issue?
I would love to read your comments, so please share below. Thank you!
I love you.
Janice Masters, The Shaman Mama
To arrange for an Intuitive Reading or Private Coaching/Mentoring with me send me an email to: janmmiami at
**The suggestions in this article are not a substitute for medical care and attention. But you already know that.
***Thanks to Sue Okieffe of for the suggestion to use this artwork.
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