How’s your soul doing? Reason I ask is I recently discovered that my soul was really hurting. And the way I discovered it was that I was asking for a different kind of Miracle to take place and realized that I have been putting a lot of attention on changing certain lifestyle things, like food and exercise, and other things, and ignoring the “plain as the nose on your face” fact that it wasn’t those things that were the problem. Those things were the symptoms that I was trying to eradicate, of a soul that was in pain. Do you get what I mean?
If you’re dealing with some compulsions that keep taking you over, and you wonder what the hell is wrong with you then you might have a soul that’s in pain.
If you’re constantly having trouble in relationships, and you’re thinking that there’s something wrong with you, then you might have a soul that’s in pain.
If you keep dreaming about your business doing well and you just can’t seem to get there, then you might have a soul that’s in pain.
If you have things that you want to do in your life and you never seem to get around to them, then you might have a soul that’s in pain.
The list could go on and on, let’s face it. The “soul in pain” manifests in a lot of different ways because we human beings don’t like to look at the possibility that it’s our soul that’s in pain, because what the hell does that even mean?
Well, it means that something stressed you so badly and hurt you so deeply in your life that your soul became wounded, damaged and has been in pain ever since, something Eckhart Tolle refers to as “the pain body”. When you become aware that your soul is in pain, you are very close to being ready to release that pain. Good news, right?
So we’re going to take a minute right now to focus on our souls and ask “Hey what’s up? How are you?” because it’s time to have that Quantum Conversation with our soul and ask her if she’s in pain, what is the source of that pain, and how we can help. Because the “soul in pain” means that we are out of balance Body and Soul…and that’s not what we want. That’s not the way to manifest what we want into our lives, and live the life of our dreams, and we are here after all to experience Joy aren’t we? At least that’s what we’re fond of saying.
No, as sure as I’m sitting here, a “soul in pain” will create a Personal Glass Ceiling. You know that limit that you can’t seem to go beyond? That chronic issue that you can’t seem to overcome? That thing that keeps you from what you really want? Yeah that. That is evidence of a Personal Glass Ceiling. Did you know such a thing existed? Stay tuned.
Where there is a Personal Glass Ceiling, there is always something that needs to be healed. It’s never really just about smashing through the symbolic glass. Because if you do that, you just take your pain body with you. Get it?
So the first thing to do is to slow down, sit down, and have a quiet conversation with your soul and see what’s really up. And if you need guidance and if you need help, then ask for it and get it from someone who knows what you’re talking about when you say that your soul is hurting. And then you’ll have a shot at getting to whatever is on the other side of that Personal Glass Ceiling of yours.
I’m sure you’ll agree that your soul takes priority over what’s on the other side of the PGC, right? I want you heal your hurting soul, because believe me, that’s when everything else becomes possible! Trust me.
Let me know what questions you have about this or your thoughts about it. I would love for you to comment.
I love you very much, I’m so glad you’re here, and…
…as always I do hope you SPARKLE!!!
With love and joy,
Janice Masters, The Shaman Mama
I’m having a hard time getting over my husbands affair I constantly think about what he said and did with her. I’m so broken he’s trying everything to be a good husband but I feel so horrible my soul is suffering!
Hi Shawna, I’m glad you reached out. That’s such a painful thing to experience. Getting past the feelings of hurt and betrayal is challenging. It will take time and perhaps getting some professional support for yourself would help. Rebuilding trust is key and you need time to do that…if possible. You are mourning the loss of the security you felt with your husband. I’m so sorry you are hurting.
Warmly, Janice
Janice, I thank Jesus for you. I’ve been struggling with the pain in my soul lately and decided to google to see if by chance anyone else ever experience the explainable ache of the soul. Lo and behold here was your post. All of your questions were me at this point in life. Honestly, I’ve been ignoring that voice that saying “Be Still and know that I AM God.
I cant stop crying. Im aware that my soul has been in pain for other lifetimes. I have carried it into this lifetime. I have been feeling it all my life. But this is a toll i dont want anymore. The only people that helped me were my parents but now they are gone. Im in so much pain beyond belief. I have already gone to several professionals for help but nothing has helped. This is not depression, its more.
I hurt.
Your answer to “What is soul pain” is exactly what I thought it meant.
A few hours before he passed away, my spouse cried out and said his body was no in pain but his “soul hurt”.
He had been mentally abused by his father as a child, was an athlete (although born blind in one eye) and had OCD and skin cancer for years. Doctors said they could find no reason for his cancer but it was liver/prostate and bone cancer that killed him.
I am comforted that he was releasing that inner pain so he could shed it before he stepped through the veil of this reality into the next.
Thank you for confirming my thoughts.
I think my soul has been hurting for most of my life. But I have experienced a lot of significant trauma since 2013 starting with my mother’s suicide, followed by my marriage failing and me uprooting to a new town and job, shortly after my daughter was killed by a hit and run driver while walking, then I experienced my own near death illness that I fought for a full year and it affected my ability to return to my same job, then going through my infant grandson having brain damage, and my son was arrested and over 3 years later has still not faced his trial, and we still don’t know the driver that killed my baby 5 years ago. My soul feels heavy and dark. Yet, I face the world with a smile and clinical explanations of those events hiding any and all emotional connection to them. I don’t know if it is possible to heal all that damage.