When I wake up with generalized dread in the pit of my stomach I know that it is because I have bumped up against resistance to what I have set my sights on. PLaying with No and Yes for the last week has opened up some areas of shadow. Realizing the pressure to change I know that there’s much to let go of right now and approaching the New Moon, that energy is supporting and assisting that letting go.
This morning I put all of my worries and everything I am in resistance to into a great big imaginary hot air balloon and sent it off into the wild blue yonder. I’ve been in this spot before. Many times in my life. How could I not, being on a path of conscious growth for over four decades?
And so the journey begins again.
This is why I talk about the Spiral Path. All of life is a spiral, all of our personal growth into higher consciousness is a spiral. We move through “those issues” again, while part of us says “oh no not this again!”, the soul knows, of course this again! Because this time you will take it deeper and higher and come closer and closer to living from your true self.
I am an INDY woman. I’m.Not. Done. Yet! Far from it. And so I welcome the new beginning of this journey. Bring it! I can’t wait to see what unfolds!
So tell me, is there a part of this message that rings true for you too? I’d love to hear about it.
~Janice Masters, The Shaman Mama heart emoticon
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