My intention with this blog post is to give you three really powerful pieces to work with to move you closer to experiencing your own personal Miracle, your own personal dream come true. These are the same things I use myself and teach my clients to use to break through their limiting thinking and energetic patterning.
And here they are!
- Tools to help you move easily through your own Personal Glass Ceiling that limits you from moving beyond a certain level in some, or all, areas of your life
- Using the subtleties of the Law of Attraction to align, allow, invite and manifest your own personal Miracle and dream into your life.
The truth is, I’m so glad you’re here reading my ideas about this really important issue we bump up against as we travel along the Spiral Path of our life, our relationships, our businesses, our pleasures, etc. That issue is the Personal Glass Ceiling.
Now what is a glass ceiling? The glass ceiling is simply a limitation. A limitation that’s imposed. We usually hear it talked about in terms of women in corporate or political careers who can only reach a certain level of advancement, and then management, culture, etc. doesn’t encourage or permit them to go beyond that.
But what we’re talking about here in this report are the Personal Glass Ceilings that we create for ourselves. The limitations that we impose on ourselves. Yes, of course, we know that initially they have come from messages that we got when we were children, when we were girls in school, even when we were working in jobs in certain professions. But the main point is that at some point they are ours, we don’t need anyone else giving us limiting message, and we impose the limits on ourselves, creating our own yes…Personal Glass Ceiling.
There are so many ways and in so many areas that we create Personal Glass Ceilings for ourselves. Very often they do have to do with our work. But sometimes they have to do with our health, our relationships and our love life, our money issues, even our creativity, especially our creativity. And I say especially because our creativity is the enlivening energy factor that moves through every area of our lives, inviting us to reach higher, go farther, moving through old barriers and limits.
When we’re feeling stuck, and at the same time we hear our soul calling out, “Hey! I’m Not Done Yet!” that’s a sure sign that we hit one of our own Personal Glass Ceilings, or a self-imposed “upper limit”, as author Gay Hendricks calls it. At that point we need to dig a little bit to find what the messages were, what the patterns are, and how they were set in stone that creates such a powerful stopping point as our own Personal Glass Ceiling.
Now maybe you’ve just begun to realize that you’re feeling stuck. Maybe you’ve been stuck in one area of life for a while. Maybe being stuck has become a chronic pattern. And maybe you are SO READY to get unstuck you can TASTE it! No matter where you fall right now on the “stuckness continuum”, what I’m offering you will help, a lot.
The work I’ve done for over 38 years has always been about, one way or another, leading a woman to become aware of, own, and then break through her own Personal Glass Ceiling. It’s exciting stuff, but there is a process that precedes moving on through to the other side that is about inquiring, uncovering, discovering and transmuting the energies, transforming the beliefs, establishing new patterns. Yes, transmuting…like the alchemists of old, we want to turn lead into gold. We want to turn the inertia of stuckness into the exuberant, energetic flow of creativity and joyful accomplishment!
So I’m going to share with you some effective steps that you can begin to use yourself right now in the process of approaching and breaking through your own personal glass ceiling.
One of the first steps is Journaling, and while I generally advocate journaling as a written exercise, for our purposes of inquiry here, I would suggest that you journal aloud because you will hear yourself saying things that surprise you and that’s exactly what we want. This is what I call “Email Journaling”. What you do is open the email program on your phone or tablet and click the microphone on the keyboard and start talking. It’s easy, it’s simple, when done you send it to yourself and then you can keep it in a notebook in Evernote or in a document file. This kind of journaling is good to start with a question about your self-imposed limits and then listen for how your inner Guidance answers you, because that’s what will be happening, your inner guidance will be responding to your questions. This is fun, it’s fairly easy, and surprisingly rich and deep with wisdom. If not daily, then I suggest you do this regularly two to four times a week to keep the flow of wisdom going. Your Inner Guidance loves being invited to weigh in on these things!
The next thing I’m going to suggest is Intuitive Art. Now in case you aren’t familiar with it, Intuitive Art is art which does not have the aim or the goal of creating something that looks like something. It’s art for the sake of expressing what’s inside of you without, around, and beyond words. It’s a way of expressing that bypasses our left brain, rational mind. Our minds can really get in the way when we’re doing the kind of inquiry I’m suggesting. And so again, you start with a question about yourself and those limits, your Personal Glass Ceiling, and then you just put pencil or crayons or markers to paper, or other media, and let your hands do whatever they want to do, whether it’s doodling, drawing, making patterns, it really doesn’t matter. Just do whatever feels good. It’s good to allow yourself to feel like a child again with the freedom to create without guidelines and limits and rules to “color inside the lines”. When you feel finished with your art, then set it aside and come back to it later and look at it and let it reveal its messages to you, which I’m sure it will. My clients and I will sometimes sit with an intuitive piece of art that we’ve created for hours, days, weeks, and there’s usually a constant unfolding of the messages within; it’s actually rather exciting. Give yourself time to allow this process to unfold if it’s new to you.
The third thing I suggest is a gift from me, a 16 step outline which I created years ago when I was consistently attracting what we could call Mind Blowing Miracles into my life, using the principles of the Law of Attraction. I’m going to give you those 16 steps… and I’m going to warn you ahead of time that most of them have to do with getting your ego out of the way….surrendering control. That is one of the primary issues that I, and the women I work with, process to deeper and deeper levels to identify, free ourselves, and then break through our own personal glass ceilings and limitations. Again an extremely exciting process
All you have to do to gain FREE access to this is to ask to join my Facebook Group: Conscious Woman’s MIRACLE Circle.
If you are truly interested in gracefully moving through your Personal Glass Ceiling then take these steps to heart and play with them as if your life depended on it. At the same time, play with them lightly, joyfully, like a child playing make believe. Keep your own wished-for Miracle of freedom and joyful living in your heart and your mind and you will keep aligning closer and closer with it.
I would love to read your comments about this… and remember, I am here to help you privately when you are ready.
As always, I hope you SPARKLE!
Janice Masters, The Shaman Mama
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