WHAT IF…? you could soothe your primal fears, soften your anxiety, enhance your life experience, and manifest more of what you want?
Experience this powerful yet simple energy-shifting process that by-passes resistance from the ego as we present higher thought, unlimiting beliefs, positive concepts, desired outcomes combined with a unique tapping style. Simple, easy and yet, has the potential to rock your world by shifting into higher consciousness, embedding new ideas, thoughts, and beliefs into your subconscious mind, the one that runs the show!
Join me to learn about it, and experience it. I will lead the group through a number of **WHAT IF….? Quantum Questions** based on the issues, limiting beliefs, problems, and chronic situations YOU deal with.
Here is a link to the call for your convenience.
Here is the longer set-up that will be used on this call. Feel free to copy and save this.
“I don’t know how this is possible, I only know that it is already so in the unseen (invisible, quantum, spiritual) world and I embrace and accept it.This energy has transmuted and I am cleared to the ends of all of the roots and all of the branches of my being down to a cellular level, of all thoughts, beliefs, memories, experiences, residues, and resistance, and I am opened to this new reality and its manifestations throughout all of my being. This includes forward and backward in time, through physical and karmic lineage and ancestry, in all directions through levels of consciousness, in all aspects of existence perceived or not. The old is released, the new is embedded, embraced, accepted and manifest.”
(c) Janice Masters
I hope you listen and enjoy and get great benefit from this call with this powerful energy shifting process. You can also come to the Event page on Facebook for this call to comment or ask questions.
Here is that link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1523730994623120/
Love you, Bless you!
Janice Masters, The Shaman Mama
**For more info on this powerful question you can find my books and online course here:
My books are available on Amazon for Kindle: amzn.to/1WkEDW3
…and at Lulu.com for print Full Color or B/W editions bit.ly/1Zu2LFJ
I also created a multi-media online course to experience this powerful question at www.transformwithwhatif.com
Happy Exploring!
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