Are you finding yourself stuck around a certain issue in your life? Are you asking yourself if you really DO want to change enough to get unstuck?
Is it possible that you’re suffering from a combination of information overload and analysis paralysis? I only ask this because I discovered the same symptoms in myself recently and it eventually gave way to becoming unstuck. Amazing!
The thing is, that all of that overload comes from information gathered from outside of ourselves, and that creates an amazingly perfect playground for ”monkey mind: Monkey mind loves to jump from one thing to another never settling, never committing, never actually taking action. So information overload is the perfect place for “monkey mind” to keep on being a monkey…endlessly. And that my dear ones, translates into stuckness.
What is true….really really true… is that within ourselves we hold deeply intuitive wisdom, which is way way different from monkey mind. If you are buying into the information overload and are in the throes of analysis paralysis, and held prisoner by the idea that there is one perfect answer that will solve the problem and make the solution easy…. Then, honey, you will certainly stay stuck!
Look, we are always in a position to ask ourselves for permission to know what we know. Most of the time when we are stuck there is an answer that we have been circling around, avoiding like the plague, refusing to accept. Information overload and analysis paralysis play into this process of avoidance perfectly!
The bigger question might be, “Do you really want to change?” Human nature being what it is, sometimes our idealized version of who we are wants that change, but the rest of us…uh, not so much.
If you’ve been around me at all, you already know where I’m going to take this. Yep. Right into the “vibrational match” issue. If you are not a vibrational match for the change your idealized self is seeking, it ain’t gonna happen. But, if you are willing to shift your vibrational frequency into closer and closer proximity to that change you want, eventually you’ll get there, and it will happen.
So how do you do that? Keep seeing yourself there, visualizing yourself in that reality, noticing the objections of your ego-mind and dealing with them. Keep up a dialogue with yourself about your resistance to what you know needs to happen to allow this particular change you want. Awareness promotes true change.
And you might want to challenge your immature self’s idea that she’s going to wait until this change becomes ‘effortless’. Maybe she’s waiting for a magic diet. Or for the planets to align perfectly. Or for a personality transplant. (Just kidding.. but you get my drift!)
If you really want to get unstuck here’s what you do: put away all the books, turn off the computer, sit down with yourself and ask yourself what it is that you know for sure…. even if you don’t like what you know for sure. Keep asking until you get answers you know you can trust. Give yourself time to come
back to what you know is true, and then pray for the willingness to allow yourself to cooperate with what you know. Pray for resistance to be dissolved. Let your Intuitive Self be your teacher, your guide, your mentor…and follow faithfully…but only if you REALLY want to get unstuck.
As for me and the change I referred to, I did shift energetically…and it still takes awareness and decision making. That’s always true, until new neural pathways are grooved into the brain by the new thoughts and behaviors and it’s become part of who you are. This is how we are all wired.
As always, I hope you **::**SPARKLE**::**
Love you, Bless you,
Janice Masters, The Shaman Mama
P.S. I’m here to help. Let me know if you are ready for a Begin Your Journey short, complimentary session to discover where you are, where you want to be, and how I can help you get there. And maybe subscribe to this blog to stay in The Shaman Mama’s loop.
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