It never ceases to amaze me how, when ready, an experience of true contrast can move us into the next level of expanded consciousness about a particular issue. Dwight and I had that happen today around an issue of abundance vs scarcity. That contrasting experience, made us mad, displeased us and shook loose the yucky bits near the bottom of the barrel and they floated to the top to be released, making way for an easy next step into a new deeper alignment with wealth, ease, and enJOYment!
It is a treasure to have a husband who is my best friend, , my “person”, and my soul partner in these adventures! Processing and laughing about “getting what we asked for” is a delicious part of all this for us. We are grateful to the one I wanted to kick in the nose, before being reminded that he was only playing his part in the Soul Agreement,so that we would freakin’ GET IT. LOL
How has contrast served you lately to bring you into closer alignment with what you really want? Do you recognize this when it happens? Do you appreciate getting triggers so that you can examine and release the energy patterns? Or not so much….?
Please share with me in the Comments section below.
I love you.
Janice Masters, The Shaman Mama
To arrange for an Intuitive Reading or Private Coaching/Mentoring with me send me an email to: janmmiami at
#contrast #lawofattraction #abundance #soulagreements #releasing #triggers
Your blog so much resembles the theme of my memoir, which deals with culture clash a (often unwanted) catalyst towards personal growth and change. Thanks.