Potent words like Shaman, Guru, Goddess, etc. are in the vernacular. Get over it. No one is claiming they just walked out of the rain forest, live in a hut on the mountaintop, or came down from Mount Olympus. These are archetypes and well, they fit for some of us…they fit perfectly. Our gifts come forth with us, and in contemporary culture there is no real path for formal development and training of us and our gifts. That doesn’t mean that we and our gifts stay dormant and unused. Hell, no. We bring them forth, and we call ourselves something that our tribe resonates with so they will fucking find us! And that is a good thing. All things and people and gifts that encourage and support healing and wholeness are good things. I am a good thing. I am The Shaman Mama. You?
This is not about the insensitive appropriation of terms, it is about the recognition of archetypal energies and our right to claim our identification with them. It is empowering and diminishes no one. The shamans from indigenous cultures I believe, from the ones I have been with, would not be offended by our use of the word. They might even have a more specific word for us to use. They understand the evolution of energies and wish nothing more than for more healing of our Earth and her people. Those individuals who are outraged and offended by such usage of these terms are constricted by ideas of exclusiveness and elitism, and of course, ego. To them I owe nothing at all.
I don’t usually employ the use of tobacco, smoke, feathers, drums and rattles. That’s not my way. I come from truly salt of the earth, Sicilian grandparents who filled the role of shaman and medicine woman, respectively for their community, into which I was born in this country. That is my sole claim to any cultural shamanism. And it’s not really my path in a practical sense. Their legacy of the archetypal healing energy of it is mine, for sure, in my blood lineage and in my soul plan. And I claim my gifts and offer them with apology to no one.
I have always walked between the physical and non-physical worlds for my clients to access guidance, information, wisdom, messengers, etc. Always…in over thirty-six years in a healing career.
Contemporary shamanism is here to stay and no one individual gets to dictate who can participate. Evolution of consciousness dictates , and I for one welcome all who wish to participate in healing humanity and the earth with their gifts. I don’t care what you call yourself, just be sure you minister lovingly, responsibly, and consciously to your tribe.
Share your Comments below if you like.Janice Masters, The Shaman Mama
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