Do you sometimes get so attached to what you want to think, feel, act and be that you cut off the flow of precious life energy without even realizing it?
When you are demanding to feel good.
When you insist on being only who you want to be.
When you won’t be satisfied until you reach certain goals.
When you will only allow yourself to think good thoughts.
When you are constantly trying to ‘motivate’ yourself
At these moments and times, you are pinching off life energy, especially heart and soul energy.
These energy blocks cost you dearly because you cannot stop the flow of one thing without stopping the flow of it all. So when you resist something…anything… in yourself, you dampen the energy of your heart and your spirit.
You are human. This means you are here to experience ‘the whole catastrophe’ as Zorba, the Greek author, Nikos Kazantzakis calls it.
No matter how hard you work at it, as long as you are here on this delicious plane of existence, you will not be 100% divine. You are a perfect pendulum, swinging back and forth between shadow and light, human and divine, active and passive, yin and yang, joy and heartache, connected and alone, heart and mind, etc. And this is exactly as it is meant to be—you are energetic, spiritual beings having a perfectly human experience and are meant to dance with it all.
As you have traveled on a conscious spiritual path, have you become somewhat “phobic” about negative thoughts and feelings?
Are you afraid to sit still and not be productive?
Do you push yourself out of certain experiences and into others?
Do you have lots of “rules” for yourself about what’s okay and what’s not?
Does working with Law of Attraction sometimes feel like pressure to succeed?
Do you insist on finding motivation, rather than inviting and waiting for inspiration?
Are you chronically dissatisfied with yourself in some area?
Do you know that your lack of success in some area of your life is due to an energy block?
You are in a human process and trusting that process makes room for all that you are, all that you feel, all that you think, all that you want. It is the spaciousness of surrender to and acceptance of your humanity that makes life so very rich. My work is to facilitate your surrender to and acceptance of it all into a rich, flowing and authentic life experience that keeps you connected to Spirit and successful in living your passion and your purpose.
Within this spaciousness and connectedness that allows all the parts of you to be accepted and loved, the energies of your heart and soul can lead the way on an authentic and genuine path of humanity and humility and grace. Inspiration flows if you are patient and listening, and have learned to recognize its whispers and nudgings. You will be amazed at the synchronicities that occur once the energy blocks are removed and life is flowing naturally once again.
There are times in my own life when my process slows down and even seems to come to a stopping point. Now, I know that nothing really stops, energy is always moving, but at times like this, it sure feels like stopping. Things change—in relationships, in work, in finances, in health, in all kinds of things. And when things change, I don’t know what’s next, I have to wait and listen if I want to stay on an authentic path. And ego begins to think fear-driven thoughts: What if you never start up again? What if there’s nothing more here? What if you can’t figure this out? What if you’ll fail if you don’t keep pushing? What if you can’t have what you want/need?
In order not to be in resistance, I have to make room for ego and embrace and love it too. I have to respect its fear and devotion to preserving and protecting me, while not buying into it. And then I gently begin to apply quantum energy techniques to invite higher, more expansive thinking and feeling….but I don’t insist….I invite and support and understand and allow, as with a beloved child I want to encourage.
So ask yourself…
Where in your life are you insisting?
Where are you pushing?
What are you afraid to allow?
Where do you know you are blocked?
What if you embraced it all?
What would that mean?
How would that change the flow of energy for you, in yourself and your life?
What it is like when you allow yourself to be a pendulum that swings to and fro, to and fro, to and fro, naturally? What would it be like to embrace your shadow parts? The selfish one, the messy one, the thoughtless one, the greedy one, the lazy one, the insecure one, the confused one…..
By removing energy blocks you open the space for your pendulum to swing energetically and joyfully!! And that allows all of your energy to be available to you and to flow freely, not getting stuck in insistence or resistance. And that opens the space for all kinds of success and satisfaction.
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