I read this quote today on a food company’s snack packaging:
“A true north is a singular passion in life that can leave a legacy, empower others or make the world a more interesting place.”
I thought ‘how cool is this!’ as I read that their brand is “True North” (very yummy nutty snacks) and that their mission is very clear and has a nice, high vibe.
The true north concept is a great jumping-off point of inquiry for spiritual-preneurs who want to take their businesses to the next level…and in fact anyone who want to take his or her LIFE to the next level of purpose, service and success this year.
So here’s some of what I’d love to ask you and kick around if you were sitting with me pondering how to do that.
Have you thought about your true north?
Do you know what that singular passion is?
Would you investigate to find out?
And here are some of the questions I’d ask you to start the inquiry.
What can you simply not imagine NOT doing in your life?
Is the work you do something you would do anyway if it wasn’t work?
Are you called to share or teach certain things that have been helpful or healing to you?
Are people drawn to you for how you make them feel or what you make them aware of/teach them?
How comfortable would you be if your life’s work was ‘singularly’ focused on your true north?
How fulfilling and satisfying do you think that would be?
Do you believe you could make a good living if your work was based in your true north?
Are you already aware of your true north?
Is your true north the center of the work you do?
What if you never discovered your true north?
Would you be willing to attempt to articulate your true north?
Could you do that now?
If not, what needs to be cleared in order to allow you to do this?
How would you communicate to others what your true north is and the value and benefit of it?
These questions are meant to open a space for you to explore this concept. Your true north will lead you to your perfect students and clients. Your true north will offer you the grace of a purposeful life. Your true north will give you the effortlessness of work and service that flows from your true nature. Your true north lies within you awaiting discovery.
Will you investigate?
The way I lead people to the discovery of their true north is with questions and concepts that tickle awareness. What I know is that you ALREADY know what it is. I will hold the lantern while you look.
To your success!
Janice Masters, The Shaman Mama
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